Discuss the importance of your peer group with regard for striving toward wellness. We tend to make choices that are similar to those made by the people with whom we spend the most time. If your peer group values and strives for wellness, then you are likely to do the same.
-Hope this helps!
Doctors may not be comfortable with labeling a child with a personality disorder due to the fact of its early in their life. The child still has time to prosper and grow as as a person. You don't really know the childs personality yet, so the way they act might just be them learning who they are. It's better to wait it out, and see if they have have borderline personality disorder, because they could be pushing you away to be independent and not realize.
The negative with diagnosing children is they could use it as an excuse. Such as reasons to treating people a certain way. They also might be telling people, and could cause bullying issues, or making their own self esstem go down. The positive effects are knowing when older you won't really be shocked. More positive effects are you will have an idea of it, and will be aware of it, and might realize more side effects of it. Instead of becoming completely blind to it.
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Because you haven’t ever really lived without them. It’s a shock to the brain and body that they are gone and you can’t necessarily believe that you won’t ever get to see them again.
Its Chronic Stress.
Chronic stress can come from a traumatic experience such as a childhood trauma.