Time and stunt man in the world and
Hippocrates Study Medicine :)
The Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812
During the Napoleonic Wars in Europe, Britain and France were at war with each other and the United States was neutral. ... However, it turned the U.S. economy inward, causing the nation to create and rely on its own goods, spurring the industrial revolution of the nation.
What Caused the American Industrial Revolution? - Investopedia This is the site where I got the info. I hope this helps!
Because no one knows it's value....
ah no
it's because no one considers its value because of it's high and ease of availability
Few more points we consider it as a hidden resource
- It contains hidden resources like coal, petroleum.......
- It contains minerals, proteins which helps for growth of vegetation
- It contains water ( A major source)
- We extract elements like IRON, ALUMINIUM,...... from earth
- All these are hidden to naked eye
- Soil has memory also
- Soil is a solid foundation for the super structures we built
I hope you like it
This answer is from my perspective, just consider it if you realize and you like it.
Thank you ;))
The term you are searching for is drug abuse