Right choice:
B. Japan must surrender without any conditions, or face destruction.
The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) is an organization that was formed in 1947, headquartered in New York and remained as the largest professional organization serving the field. The formation of this organization was brought by the Postwar Era.
In the early 1800s, a wave of interest in religion called the Second Great Awakening swept the nation. In this spirit of reform, some reformers called for temperance—drinking little or no alcohol. They warned people about the dangers of drinking.
The Palace of Versailles is indeed splendid and impressive. It shows the power and the refined taste of his first master, king Louis XIV. By moving to Versailles, the Sun King, as he was known, was following a policy aimed at taking more control from the French nobility in government issues; the court was there and this helped the monarch control policy-making; it also meant taking distance from the populace of Paris.