Photo journalism is so important because, especially with the changing technological state of our world, it’s a medium that can convey emotion the power of events or movements while also standing the test of time. It is also important because we live in a world with a lot of rumors and false media so photo journalism is a step in the direction of primary source and providing real evidence for events being reported on.
James publish in October 1898
I’d suggest downloading the app, it helps explain everything.
Compare: Both are painted and of women. Both look thoughtful, and perhaps sad. Contrast: One is dark and realistic (Mona Lisa), while the other is colorful and almost imaginary/dreamlike. The realistic painting (Mona Lisa - left) looks calm and yet sad, while the women on the right looks sad as well, but also more fearsome or worried. For the Mona Lisa on the left, the artists has added background images, while the painting on the right has an array of colors that do not create any specific image, but rather just compliment the women’s image and the emotions she exhibits.