It would be idealistic , if you need further help or information use can use the source i did to locate this answer . just click the link ! :)
Abstract art is art that is know for the shapes and colors it uses. And it's know to not be realistic and just be whatever the artist decides.
I would say A. Advertisers tend to target their ads at a certain age group, and using different types of music can have a different appeal to a certain age group. If they want certain people paying attention to their ads, they'll most likely use a song from their generation.
Spiral (From as far as I can see there are no spiral lines)
I don't know if it helps but...
The Bayeux Tapestry is an account of the medieval period in Normandy and England like no other. It provides information about civil and military architecture such as castle mounds, armor consisting of a nasal helmet, hauberk and oblong shield and seafaring in the Viking tradition.