The Indian class system was a very important part of life. It defined you in most ways, people were born into their castes and could not move up, but they could move down. It is one of the most significant and remembered because it is something that we don't really understand in western civilization.
I hope that helps!
The Type 100 submachine gun (一〇〇式機関短銃, Hyaku-shiki kikan-tanjū) was a Japanese submachine gun used during World War II, and the only submachine gun produced by Japan in any quantity.
I would say c, but don't quote me on that.
<span>Federalism, or nationalism. Many, but not all, of the Marshall Court's decisions upheld the supremacy of federal and constitutional law over state law.</span>
Truman stated that his decision to drop the bomb was purely military. Truman believed that the bombs saved Japanese lives as well