It’s teaches you how to speak and work with others
Well Frankenstein did have a bride and the movie was incredibly gothic.
But that is just my opinion. I would take out on C.
Parents are responsible for their children's physical health.
In that speech delivered at the PHA Building a Healthier Future Summit, Michelle Obama states that it's the parents responsibility to ensure their children are healthy.
The parents are the ones to chose what their children eat, by doing the grocery shopping and preparing the meals... so they have to make sure their children eat healthy food.
It's also the parents who enroll and pay for the children's extra sport activities in organizations and in organized sports, as part of a global plan to ensure their health.
Simile, ballad and rhyme.
I hope this helps you.
Well its the imagery of that article, it depends on which it is about, since you lack an article to spare for us theres not much I can do.