A. insects fly around a bright lamp at night
insects are naturally attracted to light due to presence of positive phototaxis. Insects revolve around the light in the same way as electrons do around the nucleus.
An atom that gains a negative electron, it becomes a negative ion. If it loses an electron it becomes a positive ion. Some atoms lose electrons and become positive ions. Others gain electrons and become negative ions.
fall & rise.. The initial compensating response to an acute respiratory alkalosis is a modest decline in ECF bicarbonate concentration as the result of cellular buffering. Subsequent renal responses result in decreased ECF bicarbonate concentration through reduced renal bicarbonate reabsorption.
Eight (8) different artificial mRNA 3 nucleotide codons possibly made.
According to above scenario, when we add polynucleotide phosphorylase into the solution of adenosine triphosphate and guanosine triphosphate there will be 8 different artificial mRNA containing 3 base sequence (codons) possibly be made while if code involves two base sequence there will be possibly 4 different codons.