Gutenberg's moveable type printing press invention
Johann Gensfleisch von Gutenberg in 1450, Mainz, Germany, was the first to assemble and bring together complex systems and subsystems necessary to print a typographic book which was sought by printers in different countries such s Germany, France and the Netherlands. Gutenberg's moveable type, made use of ink made from boiled linseed oil colored with lampblack.
The answer is D, Social media is now a key tool candidates use to reach the public.
I just did this question 2020Egen.
A) James Whistler.
All of the following painters were associated with the Hudson River school except James Whistler.
Knowledge and habilities of workers.
Human capital is people's education, health, skills, and talents, which can be applied at their jobs, thus improving their production and, therefore, the performance of companies.
This term is common in knowledge-intensive areas, where it is important to maintain, or continue to raise, human capital levels, through education and training. This is to stimulate economic growth.
A larger human capital means that a person can produce more and thereby also receive a higher salary. It is thus in the interest of individuals and nations to achieve a high level of human capital, through investments in education before working life and through experience and skills development during working hours.
Dry land is essential for creating a rice sawah.