The main idea of the quote is that the Soviets are tightening their contol over Cnetral and Eastern Europe. The other sentences complete that idea by letting us know what they are doing with Central and Eastern Europe.
Well of course u start with a intro. Just put something like a hook which is something that grabs the readers attention. The do a backround information on the DBQ then do reasons.
what is the DBQ on
A. Gonzales
Revolutionary Texans had only formally announced their independence from Mexico 11 days earlier. On March 6, 1836, the separatists chose Sam Houston to be the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army. Houston immediately departed for Gonzales, Texas, where the main force of the revolutionary army was stationed. When he arrived, he found that the Texan army consisted of 374 poorly dressed and ill-equipped men. Most had no guns or military experience, and they had only two days of rations.
The United States should not get involved in the affairs of other countries.
United States was an agrarian-based nation. Prior to World War II, people were involved in agriculture than other existing industries. Technological improvements in farming introduced during the war years reduced farming dependencies on manual labor freeing people to move to the cities to find white collar jobs after the war.