If a substitution changes the amino acid to a “stop,” it's called a NONSENSE mutation. frameshift, missense, silent or nonsense (hint: deletion or insertion will always be frameshift). Sickel cell anemia is the result of a type of mutation in the gene that codes for part of the hemoglobin molecule.
This is the specific heat capacity
The specific heat capacity of water is the quantity of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1 degree.it is due to the aggregation of hydrogen bonding holding water molecules together.
Therefore,large quantity of heat energy is needed to be supplied to raise the temperature of water.
This is an advantage for earth temperature because a significant rise in the earth temperature,would not affect the earth because the ocean would have absorbed the heat.Therefore regulating the earth temperature within the narrow limits
However,during summer little heat is released by the ocean and this cools the earth,this is because the specific heat capacity of the ocean is higher than that of the land,thus as the ocean warms up slowly its warms the earth.
It should be noted that the vegetables at a buffet should be heated to a temperature of about 140°F or above. This is necessary in order to prevent the food from spoiling which is referred to as the temperature danger zone which is when the temperature is lesser and this can result into bacteria growing on the food.
Feathers are made from the protein Keratin