If you look at the map of Africa, many borders are straight lines. (compare it to the borders in Europe, for example). However, Africa was not an empty land, but full of cultures and ethnic groups, and those groups were split when the straight lines were drawn and some groups hostile to each other were put in the same country. This created ethnic tensions
The Youth Criminal Justice Act is the law that governs Canada’s
youth justice system. It applies to youth who are at least 12 but under
18 years old, who are alleged to have committed criminal offences. In
over a century of youth justice legislation in Canada, there have been
three youth justice statutes: the Juvenile Delinquents Act (1908-1984), the Young Offenders Act (YOA) (1984-2003), and the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) (2003-present). A set of amendments to the YCJA was adopted by Parliament in 2012. The purpose of this document is to explain the background of the YCJA, to provide a summary of its main provisions and the rationale behind them, and to highlight the experience under the YCJA.
wanting to not be able to see inside there food so they know all the contents
No not quite try looking on google