It was the Louisiana purchase.
All German Americans were required to join military armed forces. To those who hadn't signed up, were imprisoned.
But apparently, in many sources, it states that German-Americans in both Germany and US, were imprisoned. Sad truth :(
The election for President is really 51 individual elections, one for each state plus DC. The USA is a republic, not a democracy. Each state gets a specific number of electoral votes total to the number of Reps and Senators that state has. All but 2 states have a winner-take-all system.
c. Buildings that were built with logs from mountains about 50 miles away
Buildings made of logs from mountains about 50 miles away are the evidence of traders over distances because people need a shelter at a place for trading and they form buildings with logs.
Traders migrate to other places for trading nearby 30-50 miles, they make the same designed building for shelter and move ahead after their trade is done and leave the building as it is.
Hence, the correct answer is "c".