Imagine attending school where you CANT express yourself through your clothing and be unique or different in your own way, that wouldn't be so fun would it? Because of this reason students should not be required to wear school uniforms. Wearing school uniforms can lead to wasting too much money, lead to boredom, and can even lead bullying/ fighting.
Wearing school uniforms can lead to wasting too much money and can lead to being very expensive due to students outgrowing their clothes and having to buy new uniforms every year, It can also mean doing extra laundry which means using too much water which can lead to higher water bills and because of higher water bills the parents or guardians of the students will have to pay more money and money doesn't just grow on trees does it?
Another reason why we shouldn't wear school uniforms is because students cant express themselves in their own unique way. If it was a students birthday and they wanted to wear a shirt that perhaps said ¨It's my birthday¨ they wouldn't be able to because it would be against school dress codes and they would get sent home or be in the office which would take time from the students learning.
My last reason to why we shouldn't wear school uniforms is because they can cause fights and can even lead to bullying. The reason it could lead to fights is lets say your at the grocery store and a student sees you and their from another school they might not like your school and you might not like their school and that can lead to problems. It can also lead to bullying because students from other schools might not like your school and they might bully you or other students because of it.