It allowed for factories to work at night
The political followers of Thomas Jefferson took up the name "Democratic-Republicans," preferring this over the previous term "Anti-Federalists" since the Constitution had already be drafted and ratified.
The Second World War was a political and military conflict on a global scale that took place between 1939 and 1945, in which most of the countries of the world were involved and which represents one of the most traumatic and significant historical and cultural milestones of the century. XX, given the state of Total War (absolute economic, social and military commitment of nations) assumed by the two sides involved.
The conflict cost the lives of between 50 and 70 million people, both civilian and military, of which 26 million belonged to the USSR (and only 9 million were military). Particular case are the millions of people executed in concentration and extermination camps, subjected to subhuman conditions of existence or even to medical and chemical experiments, such as the almost 6 million Jews systematically exterminated by the German National Socialist regime. The latter was called the Holocaust.
To this must be added the numerous deaths that the economic consequences of the conflict caused worldwide, such as the famine in Bengal that claimed the lives of almost 4 million Indians, and which are often ignored by the official history of the conflict, whose total balance of deaths may be around 100 million people.
Feudalism in Europe and events during the Muromachi period
in Japan share some characteristics. During the Muromachi period in Japan,
there were powerful feudal lords called Daimyos who were only subordinate to
the Shogun (think of them as Commander-in-Chief) and the Japanese Emperor).
Daimyos were almost independent and ruled with almost absolute power on their
territories. Daimyos are the equivalent of Lords in Europe. Daimyos hired
Samurai, a noble class of warriors, and paid them with rice or land, just as lords
hire vassals and gave them land holdings (fiefs) in exchange for allegiance. In
this obligations, Lords/Daimyos gained solders and supplies, while Vassals/Samurai
gained land holdings and farms.
However, Prime Minister Charles Maurice de Talleyrand of France insulted the American diplomats by first refusing to officially receive them. He then demanded a $250,000 personal bribe and a $10 million loan for his financially strapped country before he would begin peace negotiations.