Answer: d. All of the above are examples of the principle that trade can make everyone better off.
We make a trade when we exchange services in which we benefits while the other part or the other person also benefit.
Americans buying socks from china that means the business from China is benefitting financially whilst the people in America are benefiting from using this product .
Drinks bought in Maine from Florida befits the Florida business whilst people in Maine are also benefiting from buying and enjoying these drinks.
A kid from next door mowing the lawn will benefits financially as the neighbor pays him whilst the neighbor is benefiting from his service of having his lawn mowed .
The ethical obligations of a multinational corporation towards employment conditions, human rights, environmental pollution, and the use of power are not always clear cut. There are situations whereby the host nations standards are inferior to those of the home nations, this results in ethical issues and there are also situations where the available standards of the host nation are not ethically acceptable resulting in ethical dilemmas. It necessary to note that different countries have their different standards when it comes to employment conditions, human rights and environmental pollutions, this makes it difficult to have a clear cut obligations for multinational corporations, their standards and obligations will vary according to what is prevailing in the host nation.
Rehabilitation is the process of helping a person suffering from an illness or injury recover lost abilities and thereby regain full self-sufficiency, it is a treatment that will assist you get back, regain, or develop the skills you need in everyday life.
The purpose of rehabilitation is to return a patient back to a normal, healthy condition, whether it is following an illness, injury, surgery or certain disorders.
The term rehabilitation is defined as the attempt to correct the personality and behavior of convicted offenders through educational, vocational, or therapeutic treatment and to return them to society as law-abiding citizens.
Professional organizations that controlled how their industry operated and protected their members' interests against outsiders were called "special interest groups", since they look out for the interest of their members.