The answer varies from person to person.
All kinds of people are using Word, so people would recognize if the answer if plagiarized. So, simply answer truthfully; no matter h1ow embarrasing.
The answer to this question can be described as follows:
Relational data model:
The use of data tables to organize sets of entities into relationships requires a relational data model. this model work on the assumption, which is a primary key or code, that is included in each table configuration. The symbol for "relational" data links and information is used by other tables.
Model Design:
This model is used for database management, it consists of structure and language consistency. It is design in 1969.
Importance of data model:
This provides a common standard for processing the potentially sound data in machines, that was usable on almost any one device.
Big Data:
It moves to locate new and innovative ways to handle large volumes of authentication tokens and to gather business insights when offering high efficiency and usability at an affordable cost at the same time.
See Explaination
This assume that input is a file and is given on command line. Please note this will ot print lines with frederick as thats what I feel question is asking for
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
open(FILE, $ARGV[0]) or die("Could not open the file $ARGV[0]");
while ($line = <FILE>){
print $line;
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RDO uses the lower-level DAO and ODBC for direct access to databases.