I am user papa guy I have been giving elite answers for a very long time lucky you you just received one.
Cartoonists avoid using stereotypes in their work is false.
Thank You any questions don't be afraid to ask in comment section below.
Your pal papaguy
The jury’s decision to convict Tom Robinson for a crime he clearly did not commit plagues Jem (and many readers) as an intolerable miscarriage of justice. The most obvious reason justice isn’t served is because the jury’s overwhelming racism prevents Tom from getting a fair trial. Another reason the jury finds Tom guilty is because both Mayella Ewell and her father, Bob, both perjured themselves on the stand. In addition to the presumption of an impartial jury, the justice system operates on the assumption that witnesses will tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” after being sworn in to testimony. But both Mayella and Bob lied rather than admit that Mayella tried to kiss Tom. Tom’s race, combined with the Ewells’ lies, proved enough for the racist jury to find Tom guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of Tom’s innocence.
Option A and Option C.
The details from the text that supports the idea that Miss Emilie thinks Lily should be working hard while her mother does not are "I had assumed you would have come here straight from school since we only have a few days to prepare for your audition," Miss Emilie said, tapping her foot impatiently.
"Lily, sweetheart, I am worried that you are working much too hard for this audition," her mother said. "I wish you would find some perspective and realize that ballet is not the most important thing in the world."
Lily' mother and Miss Emilia had contradicting opinions regarding Lily's ballet practice. Lily's mother felt that Lily was putting too much of effort for the audition while Miss Emilie wanted Lily to put more effort so that she could make it through the audition.