A. A only
U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) does not allow property, plant, and equipment to be written up or revalued. If the fair value of PP&E falls below the book value and the amount is material then a company must write down the asset to fair value.
Since under US GAAP, once PPE is written, it can not be reversed. as Company B is indicated to have reversed the write down while company A did not. It therefore means that Company A only is reporting under US GAAP.
In 5 shelves put 6 in each. In 4 shelves put 15 in each. Add both numbers and get your answer
a. from one banks to another
B. Interact with customers after they have purchased the product.
For example, if you are having trouble with a product or it has a malfunction, you would call the customer service for the company/product for assistance.
paid $.25 per share per quarter for the past year
A stock is ownership rights purchased by investors in a public company. Holders of stock are called stockholders and they are regarded as owners of the company.
Stockholders are paid dividends. Dividends are a proportion of a company's profits paid to shareholders.
If the stock's dividend is $1, it means it either paid $1 the past year or paid $.25 per share per quarter for the past year