c. In his left hand he held a sack, and his right hand held the arm of a boy in an iron grip.
Based on the excerpt from the story of Iqbal, we can easily know that the master was a cruel man just by the way he held the young boy's arm. The very word "an iron grip" gives a strong indication of someone holding onto something that wouldn't be let go easily. This sentence
In his left hand he held a sack, and his right hand held the arm of a boy in an iron grip
gives the character of Hussain, the master as someone who is cruel and representation of someone who was to be obeyed by the children.
Hi Mei! Nice hearing from you. One piece of advice I have is to definitely go for a jog or do some cardio before you climb. This is how you may prepare your body for the uphill trek by conditioning it and increasing your stamina. This is especially crucial if you don't regularly exercise since you don't want to shock your body with the exertion it will be subjected to. In the weeks preceding up to your climb, jog a few times. Also, read about the mountain you’re going to climb. This is vital since it is important to understand the trail's unique features, such as river or canal crossing and wading, water source availability, admission fees, and so on. Have an amazing trip!
I think G! I hope you get it right! :)