They where called jaz age because of the way the clothes and music where.
religious freedom
The Puritans were persecuted in England by King James I and King Charles I in the 17th century
It would be George Washington
The purpose of this text is to inform the people of the Hawaii islands of the efforts to weaken the effects of climate change as he mentioned the major businesses switching to cleaner energy and he had said that he puts as much time and energy available into the matter of climate change. He uses rhetoric form of speech to intensify the sentence by using words that put across a stronger image such as when he says "Alaska, where the sea is already swallowing villages and eating away at shorelines"
The purpose of the Declaration of Independence is to explain to foreign nations and King George III why the colonies had chosen to separate themselves from Great Britain and become independent.
A presidential inauguration is a ceremonial event centered on the formal transition of a new president into office, its important it’s seen as a celebration because it shows the start of a new president.