D. it is a long process to gettting a bill to become a law
In this scenario, Liz is a 70-year-old woman who has developed an irrational fear of open, crowded places and avoids leaving her home. This fear began after Liz lost her husband. Therefore, Liz suffers from agoraphobia.
Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder in which an individual has abnormal and persistent fear of open spaces, crowded places or any such situation that might cause them to feel trapped, unable to escape thereby causing them to panic, helpless or feel embarrassed.
<em>Hence, anyone suffering from agoraphobia would detest going to open or crowded places and avoids leaving their house due to irrational fear of being trapped or access to escape is impossible. </em>
<em>Additionally, please note that agoraphobia is a mental condition which has no cure but can only be treated temporarily because it is usually chronic. </em>
Answer: A. High- High
Explanation: Ethical dissonance as such arises due to inconsistencies in attaining and maintaining a moral image of oneself and being tempted to exploit some unethical situation for the sake of personal gain. In other words, it is the interaction of the company / organisation and the individual with the aim of adapting the individual and the organisation in different possible situations and scenarios. It is a two-way process because the ethics of an individual influences the organisation, simply the individual enters his / her ethics. Also the ethics of the organisation influences the behaviour of the individual.
Of the four possible fit models / options, high-high is one of two fit options that have a high person-organisation fit. So this is a model that provides a fit relationship between the organisation and the individual. When an individual has a high level of ethics, and organisation too, fit with an organisation of course high. That's the case here.
There is another high fit, therefore the agreement of organisations and individuals, but this is not the case here, when a person is of low ethics. Then for that individual it is a high fit of course if it is also a low ethics organisation, such an organisation suits a low ethics individual.
The other two cases of fit are when there is a low level of fit between the organisation and the individual.
Ethics is the way of learning proper behavior as an individual. It not only makes a person Ethical but also worth of living in society.
Before creating the framework, we should have practical knowledge, real-life experience, planned methods for creation and all facts related to it.
Ethics teaches us how to identify what is wrong and right, fair and unfair, etc.
It makes us a valuable person and also teaches us how to develop a communicative organization.
The correct answer is 1
The concept of anomie was, in Sociology, coined by Émile Durkheim in the works "Da Social Division of Labor" (1893) and "Suic***" (1897) and later used in the work "Moral Education" (1902), where he addressed the role of morality in the fight against the anomic state. For this sociologist, anomie is a social situation produced by the weakening of social bonds and by the loss of society's ability to regulate the behavior of individuals, generating, for example, social phenomena such as s**c***. It is an absence of a “body of social norms” capable of regulating social interaction marked by “solidarity”.
For Durkheim, anomie is a temporary stage, the product of rapid social changes, loss of faith (in its broadest sense) and traditions. This stage, for him, is surpassed from the moment that interest groups determine new rules in order to regulate what is “maladjusted” in society.