16 - Fort Road,
To :
R.K enterprises,
Bhopal (M.P.)
Xth May 20XX
Respected Sir,
Subject : Application for The Post of the Clerk
With reference to the advertisement in Monday's Hindustan Times, I beg to apply for the vacant post of clerk in your office.
I am 22 years old, a graduate of the Delhi University. I took my degree in 2004 in English, Mathematics, History, and Economics. I also secured a high percentile in the B.A. I have one year course in typewriting, shorthand, book-keeping, and commercial correspondence.
I have been working as a correspondence clerk in the office of a co-operative society - Lucknow, have increased my knowledge of official correspondence and typewriting.
Kindly consider my application favourably, I may assure you that I shall try my best to discharge duties to your entire satisfaction.
Yours Faithfully,
have a easier time learning to read
because they have large listening and speaking high vocabulary
C- By focusing on topics that are controversial
Sports and games offer students a lot of lessons and values. Other than the fact that sports is good for the health of a student, it also teaches students patience, sportsmanship, and appreciation of hard work. Patience because in order to win games, one has to maintain level headed and cool so that he will not cloud his judgment. Sportsmanship, so that even if one loses, he is not bitter about it and can even congratulate his opponent. And appreciation for hard work because attaining skills is not an easy task.