How does Stanton feel about her father's cold response?
I think it's number
As the boys take verb have while has for a one boy
She can fit 3 squares along the 10 inch side and 6 squares along the 18 inch side. When you multiply 3 by 6 you get 18.
The answer is not 20 because you cannot fit 20 3x3 squares.
Hithcock believes that his audience is moved to the suspense that is affected by the characters, but they like to "play God" and have access to the information before them. Thus Hitchcock states that by showing the public the secrets that the characters do not know, the audience is motivated and anxious to know how these stories will come about and will work hard to disseminate and leaflet the stories for other people to know about them.
This sentence shows how Hitchcock's stories grow and flourish over time, being his purpose for writing, creating stories that are not outdated, as the exciting thing is to see their unfolding and not a possible surprise.
you are losing balance
like floating stars
extend your hand to extinguish the fire
a spark enough
you do not complete the road
canes required
take my heart
until forever lover
and words ends
ashes remain backward
don't forget me