Hurt,in pain.ache/d.sicken
Time to bond with family and catch up on things
It’s a time to sit down and appreciate your family and friends
Really just a time to enjoy food
When the <em>two </em>ghosts appeared in my room, I was <em>too</em> shocked to move. I looked between them, back and forth, one<em> to</em> the other. They were standing, or well, sort of floating in a corner. Slightly shaking, I scooted backwards, pulling my bed covers up to my chin, <em>too</em> scared <em>to</em> do anything else. They didn't seem to notice me at first. Quickly and quietly, I slipped my toes out of bed, and snatched up my slippers. The <em>two</em> bunny noses stared back at me, and instead of putting them on, like I had originaly planned, BAM, I threw them as hard as I possibly could, maybe even <em>too </em>hard. I squeezed my eyes closed, thinking the worst, but when I cautiously opened them again, the <em>two</em> pale spectors who had been hovering in my corner had disapeared, never <em>to</em> be seen again.