The Age of Reason, also known as the Enlightenment, emerged from
the Protestant Reformation and emphasized reason and individualism, which
was a new thought process . This Enlightenment caused many new writers,
philosophers, and artists to question the traditional authority. The authority that
was most questioned during this period of time was the monarchy.
The various monarchies throughout Europe were afraid that this
movement would be disruptive to the old orders. The Enlightenment raised
questions about the rule of monarchs which made many nobles nervous, and
questioned the authority of the Catholic Church . To these powers that had held
firm control of Europe since the Middle Ages, the writers of the Enlightenment
were a threat that would disrupt their carefully held power
acquire their culture.
Culture can be defined as the general way of life of a group of people living together in a particular location or society.
Basically, culture comprises of beliefs, values, behaviors, language, dressing, cuisine, music, symbols, arts, social habits, knowledge, customs, laws pertaining to a particular group of people living together in a society.
This ultimately implies that, culture are acquired and passed from one generation to another.
Hence, enculturation refers to how people acquire their culture. Thus, enculturation is a process that typically involves acquiring or teaching people living together in a particular society the accepted norms and values of an established culture.
I do believe that at the time, the vice president was George Clinton.
The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment is exactly like a similar provision in the fifth amendment, which only restricts the federal government. It states that no person shall be “ deprived of life, Liberty or property without due process of law”. Usually “due process” refers to fair procedures. However, the Supreme Court has also used this part of the Fourteenth Amendment to prohibit certain practices outright. For instance, the Court has ruled that the Due Process Clause protects rights that are not specifically listed in the Constitution, such as the right to privacy regarding sexual relations. In Roe v. Wade (1973), the Court ruled that this right to privacy included a woman’s decision to have an abortion. In addition, the Court used the Due Process Clause to extend the bill of rights to the states over time through a practice known as “incorporation”.
My Sincerest apology if this was not what you meant.