Some roles that a parent of a child who has a disability might undertake would be:-
The legal definition of "disability" is when a person is unable to engage in substantial paid employment due to a health or physical disability, a disability that is likely to be fatal, or a disability of a continuous or continuous nature. It can be considered a disabled person. Uninterrupted period
• Inclusion Specialist Ensuring that children are as involved in typical classroom activities / daily life as possible
• Personal Future Planner Help your child plan for the future by examining all areas of interest, skills, strengths, and needs (eg secondary school, work, finance) Target arrangement).
• Case Manager Overseeing all educational, health, and related services & coordinating care
• Medical Expert Understanding the medical issues surrounding the child, their disability/medical
Learn more about disability
Our brain is divided in three main parts: the cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem.
The cerebrum is the main and largest part of the human brain; its function is to take information from the environment or our body and interpret the knowledge to decide how to act, it can interpret touch, like differentiate form just by touching, without seeing for example. As well as perform other high functions like speech, emotions, leaning, and even controlling movement.
The strongest predictor of task performance in a workplace would be the Spatial Intelligence. Spatial Intelligence is one of the area of multiple intelligence dealing with the spatial judgement that provides the ability to fix problems and would create products that have value in a specific culture.
Archaeologists learned many things about burials in the past. The way which someone is buried can indicate status, and their belief of an afterlife. For example, if they are buried with their wealth, it indicates that they may be taking their riches with them to the afterlife.