Music matters Shakespeare called it the 'food of love'. ... Music is one meal that needs to be on every pre-teen's menu. ... will make friends more easily as they'll have superior social skills, higher self-esteem and greater self-confidence.
The text context and 3rd person views of the text.
The young man, in The Lady, or the Tiger?, was thrown in prison because the King found out about the love affair he had been carrying on, for months, with his daughter. Also it was not allowed for a commoner to court Royalty, even though he was one of the King's Royal Attendants.
and I have been the best to make it to be the best
Playwrights use meter to help the audience follow what is happening in the play. A syllabic pattern, whether it is stressed or unstressed, in a poem or play is called a meter. This is used to emphasize words and expressions through vocal projection that can portray the nature of the play