Understand latitude. latitude measures how a point is north or south of the equator. now understand longitude, longitude measures how far a point is easy or west of the prime meridian. understand how they appear on a map. now, i’m not the best at helping or explaining, so if this doesn’t help... then hopefully someone else answers for you.
Amoeba acquires it food by endocytosis, that is, a small region in the plasma membrane which ultimately forms a intra-cellular membrane-bound vescicle. It engulfs it food using its pseudopodia (temporary protrusion of the surface of the amoeboid cell used for feeding and movement) and forms a vacuole around it. When the food is already trapped inside, it releases a digestive enzyme to digest it. Intake of liquid particles is pinocytosis (cell drinking) while intake of solid particles is phagocytosis (cell eating).
A change or a slight difference
C) because solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biomass, ocean are all was thaer