At first he's afraid of the wolf, but he quickly understands that "[the wolf] knew him and owned [him] and chose not to do anything to him." His fear disappears. This chapter also explicitly reflects on the themes of change, autonomy, and survival as Brian recalls the moment in the wilderness that has defined him most.
In the Literary Cafe, Rebecca Chin (10th) catches a snooze before school starts! Instead of the norms, students enjoying a snack while reading their favorite genre, she found a more useful way to waste time. Remember, the cafe is open from 6:30 to 3:30! EVERYDAY!Answer:
If it were me I would put the two words starting the two paragraphs as "So" and "The"
P.S. I don't know the exact answer this is just what I personally would put. To help you a little more the two words follow along with this. "So in order" and "The first of these"