The world, at the present moment, is in a great crisis because of the lack of the ability to discern right from wrong with the correct lenses. This is because of the different standard that are used to gauge right from wrong. In the word, sometimes the emphasis is more on the personal rights and privileges. Not doing away the need for personal rights and privileges, however, that need is overemphasis. For example, children can report parents if they want to discipline them. This results in a dysfunctional society where parents are at the mercy of rebellious children.
The Catholic Church gave full support to defeating Muslim groups
It plays an important role.
Constitution of Nepal has empowered Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) to investigate cases against the government officers holding any public office and their associates who are involved in corruption. The CIAA played a very important role in the country last year by filed 88 per cent of cases at the Special Court against government officials.
Because it provided a major step in the fight for freedom and they got an organized group together for the first time.