<u>Option-(D):</u>Alternative scientific theories are suppressed by the science establishment.
<u>Theory of Evolution:</u>
"The theory of evolution states that, there is a process of change which occurs inside the living organism's heritable, physical and behavioral traits over the years or mostly it occurs in a series of generation".
- As, there were many other theories that were presented and research was carried out on them in order to increase the level of education regarding the term "evolution".
- The alternative theories had no such experimental grounds to prove their worth and authenticity leading them to be suppressed by the Darwin theory of evolution.
1. Adenoblast: <span>adeno = gland; blast = immature cell/tissue
2. A</span>denoma: <span>adeno = gland; oma = benign tumor
</span>3. Adenocarcinoma: <span>adeno= gland; carcinoma = malignant tumor
</span>4. Hypoxia: <span>hyp = deficiencies; oxia = oxygen
</span>5. Homograft: <span>homo = same; graft = transplant
</span>6. Hyperplasia: <span>hyper = too much/alot; plasia = growth/formation
</span>7. Aplasia: <span>a = without; plasia = growth/formation
</span>8. Abscission: <span> ab = away from; cission = cutting
</span>9. Excise: <span>ex = out; cise = cut
</span>10. Debridement: <span>de = away; ment = action</span>
Gap 2 (G2): During the gap between DNA synthesis and mitosis, the cell will continue to grow and produce new proteins. At the end of this gap is another control checkpoint (G2 Checkpoint) to determine if the cell can now proceed to enter M (mitosis) and divide.