b. Using either the read-write or read-only community string.
The SNMP agent on a router authenticates any SNMP Get requests received from the NMS using either the read-write or read-only community string.
In the SNMPv2c, if the NMS sends either the read-write or read-only community string requests, SNMP Get requests will be allowed.
see explaination for program code
interface Runner
public abstract void run();
class Machine implements Runner
public void run()
System.out.println("Machine is running");
class Athlete implements Runner
public void run()
System.out.println("Athlete is running");
class PoliticalCandidate implements Runner
public void run()
System.out.println("Political Candidate is running");
class DemoRunners
public static void main (String[] args)
Machine m = new Machine();;
Athlete a = new Athlete();;
PoliticalCandidate pc = new PoliticalCandidate();;
For a 20" x 30" print, the image resolution should be 1600 x 1200 pixels minimum. For a Wallet-size<span> print, the image resolution should be 320 x 240 </span>pixels minimum<span>.</span>
Port 21
FTP protocol typically makes use of Port 21, which is the main port for communication. The FTP clients get connected to the FTP server through the Port 21 and then does the required conversation. Hence, the correct option here is Port 21.