This is a risk-reward situation. If you are more about morality and ethics you could tell her before hand, but risk your job at hand. Or you could keep to yourself for your own best. I would suggest her the job without including the layoff, as it keeps you under safe ground and if she takes the other job, automatically removes one potential person to be laid off. This would increase your chances of keeping your job rather than being fired or laid off. The risks professionally would be your own job at risk, and personally your own morals/ethics.
Curiosity. Technology develops at different rates and in different ways around the world.
A Sense of Impatience. Entrepreneurs need impatience in order to recognize inefficiencies
Sociability. It’s important for any entrepreneur to have a good network of like-minded people to
1,700 i found the answer on a quizlet
Answer: A business legally separate from its owners.
A corporation is an organization which is seen legally as being separate from the owner(s). Legally, a corporation is seen as being on its own and therefore can: obtain loans, be Sue, pay taxes etc.