Srivijaya was a Kingdom located in Sumatra, Indonesia, and it controlled the Malay Archipelago. Since it was made up of islands, its geography helped to develop maritime technology and with this, the trade with its neighbor nations improved. They trade mostly with India and China, so the Srivijaya culture began to incorporate religious traditions such as Buddhism, which became an important part of their culture, gaining a prominent role in the Buddhist world.
Government in a democracy is essentially a conservative institution. It is responsible for creating and sustaining markets, enforcing contracts, protecting private property, and producing systems of education and infrastructure that allow commerce to function efficiently.
During the 1960s, many people rejected traditional roles and expectations. Influenced and inspired by the civil rights movement, college students of the baby boomer generation and women of all ages began to fight to secure a stronger role in American society. As members of groups like SDS and NOW asserted their rights and strove for equality for themselves and others, they upended many accepted norms and set groundbreaking social and legal changes in motion. Many of their successes continue to be felt today, while other goals remain unfulfilled. ( the last one you should be able to answer :)