The great sufferings of the colony were due to: 1) the choice of a swampy malarial location, 2) a lack of incentive to individual industriousness since all members shared in the company profits regardless of how hard they worked, 3) simple ignorance of how to cope with their environment and how to use the abundance it ...
They had to move and go to the internment camp if they did noy say yes yes in the loyalty oath.
The Third Estate declared itself to be the National Assembly because they wanted the voting system to be fair and they would have the majority vote. When the king wanted the old ways, the third estate replied by making itself the National Assembly and drafted a new constitution. I hope I helped
Answer: he faced his problems with greed and wealth for Jesus. He gave up all his possessions and anyone he cheated he said he would pay them back 4 times as much.
Explanation: He is a follower and a believer and put his faith in the lord