The criminal's motive for attacking the judge was one of revenge. They always have a motive.
21. Newspaper
22. Dictionary
23. Encyclopedia
24. Magazine
25. Almanac
The above are the correct answers that fit the spaces provided in the image.
Newspaper actually reports the current events that take place in a particular place and at a particular time. Dictionary enables one to look out and find the meaning of words that are unfamiliar. Encyclopedia contains a wide variety of information on all branches of knowledge. It gives comprehensive knowledge on certain field of study.
Magazine is an annual publication which actually contains information about events of a particular year. Magazine publications can be monthly or even quarterly. Almanac usually provides information about the rising and setting of the sun and even gives weather forecasts and the direction of the sun and moon.
Southwest: Pueblo.
Mississippi River Valley: Mound Builders.
"Southwest Native Americans lived in Adobe homes. These houses had many levels in them and were made from clay and straw bricks. They were cemented together with adobe. Adobe homes housed one family, but the homes were connected together so many families lived next door to each other. These homes were good in warm dry climates for tribes that did not move around to hunt and gather."
"The Mississippian culture was a mound-building Native American civilization that flourished in what is now the Midwestern, Eastern, and Southeastern United States from approximately 800 CE to 1600 CE, varying regionally."
The and is B. R u in class? do u kn her?
Sorry if i'm wrong but I think its A