The Queen of England was there to rule, and she also made sure that she one, for she had many troops to win the battle.
May 13, 1938 is when armistice Day was declared
<u>The following are some arguments as to why the study of history is important</u><u>
- Knowing the past can help people change the future.
- It allows people the opportunity to change their behavior.
Answer: Option C and E
Past was once present and the present will become past once the future becomes present, hence, all is connected. When we reflect upon the history, we essentially studies the past of the country and get an insight about the people who lived in that time.
It helps people to understand the human behaviour and also gives the required lessons as to what change they should make as to avoid the mistakes of the past and make their future brighter and better.
Republic is a form or model of political organization that originated in ancient Rome, in the 6th century BC, after the overthrow of the last Etruscan king, Tarquinio, who had influence over the region of Lazio, on the Italic Peninsula, where Rome is located. The end of the monarchy in Rome was caused by a political coup by the patrician aristocracy of the city.
It is from the structure of the Roman Republic that the main modern political institutions, such as Parliament, derived from members representing the population, were derived. Parliament, today, makes up the political structure of both presidential regimes (in which the president is the head of government and the head of state at the same time), like the American, and of monarchist regimes, such as the Kingdom United and Japan (in which the head of state is the monarch, and the head of government is the prime minister). There is also the variant of the mixed model, presidential parliamentarism, in which the president is the head of state, and the prime minister, the head of government.
In ancient Rome, the senate and assemblies constituted this “parliamentary body”. From the senators came the authority over the magistrates, who had administrative functions according to their rank and jurisdiction, similarly to what happens today with the members of the republican executive branch. Among the positions of the judiciary in the Roman Republic were consuls (the highest rank), praetors, censors, quaestors, edis and, on specific occasions, such as wartime, the dictator.
This excluded a majority of the population: slaves, freed slaves, children, women and metics (foreigners resident in Athens). The women had limited rights and privileges, had restricted movement in public, and were very segregated from the men.