Treaty of Paris - Britain gave the Ohio River Valley territory to the United States: The Treaty of Paris was a document created in 1763 and its main objective is to end the seven-year war. The countries that signed the document were Great Britain, France, Portugal and Spain. The treaty included, among other things, the territorial distribution of the territories occupied by these countries. Within this redistribution, it was agreed that Britain should recognize the independence of the USA and cede to it the territories between the Great Lakes, the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and the Appalachian Mountains.
Jay treaty - The United States had to repay debts that Britain had incurred because of the American Revolution: Jay's treaty aimed to resolve some problems and disagreements that settled between the United States and England after the American revolution. This agreement had a strong commercial content in which several factors were decided on trade between these two nations. It also dealt with economic issues such as America's responsibility to pay debts incurred by Britain because of the American Revolution.
XYZ Affair - The French foreign minister Talleyrand demanded a bribe from American diplomats: The XYZ Affair took place in 1797 - 1798 and refers to a diplomatic problem between France and the USA. This case happened when the American diplomats were sent to France to deal with matters of interest to the two countries, when they arrived in the European country they discovered that they could not speak to the French foreign minister Talleyrand if they did not agree on some things. In short, Talleyrand demanded that diplomats agree that the United States would provide France with a loan, pay all damages to American merchant ships that were seized or sunk by France, and pay a bribe of £ 50,000 to him.
supply and demand principles state that the consumer wanted amount is called quantity demanded and the job of the supplier is to fill that demand
Alexander Hamilton was an American revolutionary, statesman and Founding Father of the United States. I know he was best known for being a founding father, who fought in the American Revolutionary War, helped draft the Constitution, and served as the first secretary of the treasury. He was also the founder and chief architect of the American financial system.
I know Aaron Burr slays Alexander Hamilton in duel. In one of the most famous duels in American history, Vice President Aaron Burr fatally shoots his long-time political antagonist Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton, a leading Federalist and the chief architect of America's political economy, died the following day.
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