Unfortunately. there are people willing to use dishonest methods, like making purchases with fake money. to take advantage of others
This is because the other answers just say that it's a crime or explain how companies defend against fraud.
because of its opposition to slavery in the territories; the whigs and Know-nothings split over slavery.
There were many reasons for Texan constitution to be rewritten and the major reason is that its too long and disorganized.
Texan constitution is too lengthy and difficult to understand because many amendments were included and thus making it one of the confused constitutions in the world. The current constitution limits the governor’s executive power. The legislatures meet for a short period of time for every two years which makes the governing difficult.
The officials in the legislature are underpaid which may cause them to fall to the biased interests of many groups specially lobbyists.The constitution seems to be outdated and the public have to raise their voice in favor of rewriting the constitution.
Answer: Industrialization led to urbanization by creating economic growth and job opportunities that expanded the population of cities. Urbanization allowed the workers to live near the factories and gave people a new opportunity for social mobility.