The rest are just for better understandings of the speech for the audience but the sources would determine the overall legitimacy of the speech
21. Newspaper
22. Dictionary
23. Encyclopedia
24. Magazine
25. Almanac
The above are the correct answers that fit the spaces provided in the image.
Newspaper actually reports the current events that take place in a particular place and at a particular time. Dictionary enables one to look out and find the meaning of words that are unfamiliar. Encyclopedia contains a wide variety of information on all branches of knowledge. It gives comprehensive knowledge on certain field of study.
Magazine is an annual publication which actually contains information about events of a particular year. Magazine publications can be monthly or even quarterly. Almanac usually provides information about the rising and setting of the sun and even gives weather forecasts and the direction of the sun and moon.
Answer: The sentence "Are you telling the truth?" is in active voice.
In passive it would be "Is the truth being told by you?"
Short poem using a random word generator
Don’t believe that the document is Irrelevant,
The document is relevant beyond belief
Doe the document make you shiver
Does it?
Pay attention to the background, the background is most factual
When I see of the backgrounders, I see the timely time.
Down, down, down in the midst of the backgrounders.
There lay a heavy deep burial.
Don’t believe that the articles are little
They are beyond are belief
I cannot help but can stop at the academic books
And take a deep look and stare and gaze
Explanation: On January 17, in the year 1893, the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi was illegally overthrown. ... 12, 1898, Hawaiʻi became a Territory of the United States by annexation, at a formal noontime ceremony held in front of ʻIolani Palace. My mother and father and most Hawaiians stayed away from that heart-breaking ceremony