Each individual data items of record is called field (letter A).
The client may communicate with Proxy server to use a protocol to proxy the communication between the client and the DBMS. Proxy servers lets you hide your real Ip address and replaces it with a new IP obtained from proxy server sites.
The time when an LCD monitor is experiencing distorted
geometry is when there is a presence of the screen into having a display that
is not set on the resolution that is supposed to be in native, this is
indicative that it is experiencing distorted geometry.
This article shows how to use regex to remove spaces in between a String.
A string with spaces in between.
String text = "Hello World Java.";
We want to remove the spaces and display it as below:
Hello World Java.
1. Java regex remove spaces
In Java, we can use regex \\s+ to match whitespace characters, and replaceAll("\\s+", " ") to replace them with a single space.
Regex explanation.
`\\s` # Matches whitespace characters.
+ # One or more
package com.mkyong.regex.string;
public class StringRemoveSpaces {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String text = "Hello World Java.";
String result = text.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
Hello World Java.
<span>When widgets, or portable chunks of code, are embedded on html pages and thereby help increase the functionality of those pages, consumers embrace one of the greatest virtues of social media known as Collaboration.</span>