One impact the importation of cotton had on great britain was that it fueled lots of the Industrial Revolution, which was heavily dependent on cotton to duel the booming textile industry. <span />
It provided funding to research the cure for Ebola
bola is an acute viral infectious disease that produces hemorrhagic fever in humans and primates (monkeys, gorillas and chimpanzees), caused by the Ebola virus, which was first described in 1976 by Dr. David Finkes, when presented several cases of hemorrhagic fever in Zaire and Sudan. The name of the virus is due to the Ebola River, geographically located in Zaire. The Ebola virus is one of two members of a family of RNA viruses (ribonucleic acid) called Filoviridae.
Currently, people at risk of hemorrhagic fever due to Ebola virus are considered to be those with a history of travel to sub-Saharan Africa, people who care for infected patients, as well as workers who are in contact with infected primates of origin. African.
French King Phillip IV moved Pope to Avignon, which caused a weaker church.
Child labor is a continuous thing related to slavery by factories not having enough employees or very poor families not being able to gain enough money would be manipulated by someone promising money and edu. for their child or selling the child into labor or forcing them into it.