First of all make up can clog your pores and it can form pimples. Second it makes you look older and if you're young you can attract negative attention from older men. Third you should me happy with how you look. And fourth When you sweat or cry your make up smears and then you look like a drunk zombie.
Unique means to be unlike anything else. When something or someone unique, they are one of a kind. It is often a very nice compliment when meant as a compliment. Sometimes unique can be used as a placeholder for a compliment when someone does not wish to insult the other person. If you think something is ugly or bad, you can say unique, because the thing or person can still be unlike anything else, even if it's not good.
His shoes got soaked from the rain, nevertheless he kept on moving until he reached his destination.
Harry was dizzy, nevertheless he managed to keep his eyes wide open.
Because there were multiple theories on what they are.
Lincoln states," I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong." This shows how he is against slavery and believes in the abolishment of it.