True- publication info includes the date published and the location of the publisher
To plot memorial events or experiences to explain and or give the reader a descriptive vision of what the picture author is painting
“Studies comparing the recidivism rates of youth processed in the juvenile system with those handled in the adult system indicate that youth processed in the adult system are likely to re—offend more quickly and at higher rates.”
Answer: Option C.
"The cost of prison in dollars and lives" has been written by Michael Jackson. It focuses on the idea and the fact that adults and children are different and not the same.
So as a result of this, the way used to handle adult criminals should not be used to handle juvenile offenders. This was of treating the juvenile offenders is not effective and they re offend and commit the crime again and at a faster rate.
Because they both knew how EVERYONE deserved equal rights, and decided to join forces to spread that message
It is important because the sources tell you whether the article was credible. When you have an article that has bad source, you are running the risk of having, wrong, opinionated data. This can discredit you paper if you use it.