John Sutter (born Johann August Suter; February 23, 1803–June 18, 1880) was a Swiss immigrant in California whose sawmill was the launching spot for the California Gold Rush. Sutter was a prosperous pioneer and land baron when one of his sawmill workers found a nugget of gold at the mill, on January 24, 1848.
Reserve requirement is the answer to this
Since then the Great Wall was built, rebuilt to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire from the Hun's and Mongolian attacks during the rule of successive dynasties.
Jane Addams' social work movement was sparked through the witnessing of social injustice toward women of her time. In the United States at the time, women lacked many rights that men already had. Seeing this as a problem of inequality in the United States, this inspired Jane Addams to begin her movement of social work to aid women's causes in the United States with the ultimate goal of equality in the form of voting rights, property ownership, etc