The ships dropped them off and never came back with supplies :( They were also dreadfully unprepared for the winter ahead of them.
King => Nobles => Free citizens => Soldiers/Civil Service => Slaves.
Three main social classes included the awilu (free persons), the wardu (slaves), and the mushkenu (free persons of low estate).
As a punishment, free persons could be forced into slavery. Parents of children could also be sold into slavery.
Babylonians based the structure of their society around their own religious beliefs and how they will prosper. They were ruthless people who conquered many nations through force. Some accounts even state that the Babylonians would kill entire civilizations, even if the civilization had surrendered without any sort of resistance.
Erasmus was a Dutch scholar and Catholic priest whose views were distinct from many other religious reformers. Erasmus travelled throughout Europe as a biblical and humanist educator. He trusted the power of words and used his writing to attack scholars theology and clerical abuses and promote his philosophy of Christ.
Erasmus was condemned from all sides because of his ideas which were opposed by clergies. He had worked for peace and unity, only to experience war and breakup.
Se conoce como período de entreguerras o interbellum al periodo histórico del siglo XX que va de 1918 a 1939. Cronológicamente, se puede establecer desde el final de la Primera Guerra Mundial el 11 de noviembre de 1918 y el inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial el 1 de septiembre de 1939.
A pesar de la relativa brevedad del periodo, éste representó una época de cambios significativos en todo el mundo. La producción de energía basada en el petróleo y la mecanización asociada se expandieron de forma espectacular, dando lugar a los locos años veinte, un periodo de prosperidad y crecimiento económico para la clase media de Norteamérica, Europa, Asia y muchas otras partes del mundo. Los automóviles, el alumbrado eléctrico y las emisiones de radio, entre otras cosas, se convirtieron en algo habitual entre las poblaciones del mundo desarrollado. Las indulgencias de la época fueron seguidas posteriormente por la Gran Depresión, una recesión económica mundial sin precedentes que perjudicó gravemente a muchas de las mayores economías del mundo.