They commonly use:
•Aerial photographs
•Satellite photographs
•Information graphics
•A computer program called GIS
Saturn is the distinct and large gaseous planet in the solar system that is comprised of a ring on its exterior. It is a planet which has the lowest density. Saturn has an atmosphere of very high thickness and the dominant gas present here is hydrogen and helium. The pressure and the depth in Saturn are directly proportional to one another.
As one goes deep inside the Saturn, the body will eventually shrink and get squashed due to the extreme pressure and also will get freeze due to the extremely low temperature.
Fossil records from separate continents, particularly on the outskirts of continents show the same species. As well mineral specimens along the supposed break lines of the continents are nearly identical. Some identical species exist on certain continents, like an earthworm common to both Africa and South America suggesting the species could not have spontaneously arisen on both continents without some variations.