Human societies from the Paleolithic to the early Neolithic farming tribes lived without states and organized governments. For most of the Lower Paleolithic, human societies were possibly more hierarchical than their Middle and Upper Paleolithic descendants, and probably were not grouped.
It is actually lord Berkeley AND sir George Carteret
For the mock news account, you could present it as if it was one of the greatest battles in history of America, while in reality it was a very brief skirmish that involved some 100 people or less who later went to Concorde. Hyperbole would cause a comic effect so go for that in you mock news essay.
A. ) to advocate for women’s rights
i took the test
regan's economic ideas were known as reganomics. This was a promise to drop taxes, increase capitol gains, decrease bussiness regulations, and expand the money supply. This lead to Large Tax cuts and stagflation.
The answer is The Regan Doctrain. This doctain renewed the opposition of communism by supporting U.S. friendly countries. He also believed the U.S. should have the strongest military in the world.
* Answer to first question
P.S. hope this helps you out.