A quote or citation is a literal statement made by someone, quoted by someone else. Quoting differs from paraphrasing in that the latter form reflects ideas of others in their own words (the idea is maintained, but the form is different from quoting).
When citing phrases, your own text should be written in such a way that the quote is seamlessly integrated. If that is not entirely successful without, for example, moving a verb from the quotation or putting it in a different tense, then this operation should be marked by putting the word between square brackets. If something from the quoted part is not quoted, the omission must be marked with an ellipsis: three dots between round brackets.
C. I hope Tea Cake isn't going to use this against me.
This question refers to Zora Neale Hurston's novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God". The novel follows Janie's life, her maturation and transformation throughout years.
This particular question refers to the situation when she found a gun under her husband's pillow.
This worries her greatly, because her husband's infected with rabies, has rage deliriums and exhibits great amount of jealousy, so Janie doesn't know what to expect nor can she believe him. Just in case, she secretly turns the pistol's barrel and sets it to snap before firing a bullet, which proves she was afraid for her life.
The choices make the answer difficult to settle on.
First of all the meaning. If you have ever dropped a pile of dishes while working in a cafe, you know exactly what it means. It is loud, much louder than the chaos of the noise created by those in the cafe. It startles everyone in there. So it really is a surprise.
It is a bit unappealing, but that is not the fault of the question. It was intended to be unappealing. The answer is not exactly correct. The problem is the figure of speech. You have to try something else. Not D.
Go back to what happened. The noise of dishes dropping is not short. That's the true part of the figure of speech. So don't choose C.
It's not A either. Same reason its not C.
The only answer you can choose is B
The time and place of the action of a play is its "setting:. "Theme" is the plot, so what's going on. "Climax" is the turning point of a play, and "conflict" is self-explanatory.
C. decrease the ability to tell colors apart.
Alcohol reduces the ability to distinguish colors, mainly green or red.
Hope this helps !! <3